Although I had a radio and TV class in high school where I helped produce daily shows broadcast to the classrooms (3 B&W tube cameras with crash-non-sync switching.), it wasn't until I got involved with Norwescon, a local NW Science Fiction/Fantasy Convention, that I really began to do video production.
It started by me doing simple single camera taping of the costume contests known as The Masquerade. Then connecting to the hotel's Cable TV system to show the Masquerade live to all the hotel rooms, then it grew to doing multi-camera coverage of same with tapes available to whoever wanted them after the show.
Since then, I've flown to Ireland to interview Anne McCaffrey at her house in Dragonhold, I've done Award Banquets for a Martial Art School, Jungyae Moosul and Mystery Conventions like Bouchercon.
Currently, I'm helping surgeons produce videos of their laparoscopic procedures for both conventional techniques and procedures performed using the Da Vinci Surgical Robot System.
This a video of a doctor giving a powerpoint presentation on bariatric surgery.